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Cars diagnostics

Mechanics at ENGINE POWER Ltd are able to diagnose all the electronic parts in your car. For expert diagnostics services on your car's electronic devices, visit ENGINE POWER Ltd today.

Oil Change

When it comes to general maintenance on your vehicle, the auto repair team at ENGINE POWER Ltd knows just how crucial regular oil change and lube service is to the overall health and wellbeing of your car. Our auto mechanics want to do what it takes for you to get the most out of your vehicle, and it starts with ongoing oil change and lube service to keep your engine performing at its best.

Brakes services

Brakes are pretty much the most important safety device on your car. If you’ve ever partially lost your brakes in the past, you’ll agree that it’s not something you want to experience again. Inspecting your brakes twice a year for wear and damage can protect you and your passengers. Additionally, it will also help save you money by catching any damage before it becomes too costly.

ENGINE POWER Ltd provides quality Brakes service in London, Tilbury visit us today.

Engine Rebuilds

Diesel Engines

Petrol Engines

Quality Engine Repair Service in Tilbury , London
The engine in your vehicle is what keeps your car running and working. It is no surprise that if your engine isn’t in great shape, your car won’t be, either, and you’ll need to visit your local auto repair shop ENGINE POWER Ltd

Gear Boxes

At ENGINE POWER Ltd, we understand the terror that comes with the words "gearbox repair" and we want you to know that there is hope after all. Whether manual or automatic, heavy duty or low range, the transmission is a vital part at the center of your vehicle's drivetrain. Your transmission is instrumental in turning the engine's power into forward movement, so it's not surprising that problems with this important component can cripple your car. The experts at ENGINE POWER Ltd have years of experience working on transmissions of all types and sizes. When everything grinds to a halt we have the skills to get you moving forward once more.

Clutch Repairs

There are clutches in both automatic and manual transmission cars, and different types of clutches. When shifting gears, the clutch engages and disengages from the flywheel and transfers the torque through the transmission. Clutches should help your vehicle start and shift gears smoothly. The clutch in your car receives a lot of wear and can eventually wear out. If your clutch begins slipping irregularly or is making noises that are raising suspicion, contact ENGINE POWER Ltd to see if clutch replacement is necessary.

Car suspension Adjustment

Your vehicle’s suspension system is made up of many different parts designed to connect the frame to the wheels. When working properly, the suspension system allows for the ideal amount of motion and stability between the wheels and the vehicle body.Check a healthy suspension system and repair at profesional team ENGINE POWER Ltd today.

Exhaust sistems

Quality Exhaust System Service and Repairs in Tilbury, London
If you live in a larger city, you may be subject to emissions testing. If you fail your emissions test, you may need to get your exhaust system repaired or replaced. The team at ENGINE POWER Ltd can diagnose and repair your exhaust system and help you pass your emissions test.

Commercial Vehicle Repairs

the right choice for you. We repair and maintain many different brands of HGV's and Trailers.


Don’t wait for your battery to die before you bring your car into the auto repair specialists at ENGINE POWER Ltd. Our auto mechanics would much prefer to test your battery before you find yourself stranded on the side of the road. 

Need One Of Them? Give Us a Call Now!

Our Services

Cars diagnostics
Electrical diagnostics
Engine Rebuilds
Diesel Engines
Petrol Engines
Gear Boxes
Clutch Repairs
Car suspension Adjustment
Commercial Vehicle Repairs
Exhaust sistems
Oil Change

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday
9:00am – 6:00pm

9:00am – 3:00pm

Sunday – Closed

Contact Us

Unit 18

Tilbury Capstan Centre

Thurrock Park Way


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